Provide professional-looking video playback with crisp, clear audio - all with an intuitive interface.
Roxio CinePlayer Last Updated at 01/16/2014
Rank: 21 (Good) | Subscriber |
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Roxio CinePlayer boasts the highest quality and best performing DVD and video file playback possible on your PC. CinePlayer provides professional-looking video playback with crisp, clear audio - all with an intuitive interface
Streamlined user interface
All the controls you need for DVD playback - when you need them. Navigation controls "auto-hide" in "play" mode for optimal viewing.
Widest compatibility range
Compatible with the widest range of Hollywood DVDs - watch your titles using the same software that Hollywood professionals use to prepare theirs.
Key Features
Minimum System Requirements
Blu-ray DVD Software categories
Blu-ray DVD Software categories
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